Scriptless, Automated Testing
For Salesforce Environments
Introducing the fastest, easiest and most cost effective way to test and deploy the frequent changes and upgrades of Salesforce Sales Cloud® for your enterprise users.
You’ve invested a lot in Salesforce® Sales Cloud. You want your users to have the latest features and functionality fast so you can rest easy that they are working in a secure environment, and so they can be more productive.
Don’t worry. We have your back.
Automated Testing Made Simple.
And Did We Mention Fast?
The TurnKey Salesforce Accelerator and cFactory™ Scriptless Testing means you test your critical business processes simply and quickly, with unbeatable ROI. TurnKey lets you to deploy faster and get back to business.
The Salesforce Accelerator Overview
Total Automation
Manual testing is costly, slow and lacks the level of coverage needed in today’s high-demand environment. TurnKey Solutions helps you easily extend coverage, dramatically reducing the level of effort and time required to create, update and maintain your tests.
Simple Maintenance
According to industry analysts just 5% of packaged application testing is automated. Too many cycles are spent searching through and maintaining old tests. TurnKey automatically identifies changes and updates your test sets, reducing your test maintenance by up to 80%. Now that’s cool.
Massive Impact
TurnKey Solutions offers 100% support for the ALM platform, allowing you to fully leverage your existing HPE investments. This saves you time and reduces effort. And equally important, it gives you the ability to directly impact your organization’s bottom line.
“We see companies spending too much of their valuable time dealing with the constant change to automate tests for this core CRM application. We’ve done the heavy lifting for you, and we stay keenly attuned to all upgrades and changes from Salesforce Sales Cloud, such as the extensive migration to the Lightning interface, so you don’t have to.”
– Becky Karch, Vice President of Customer Success, TurnKey Solutions